Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems LABoratory
Our Passion ...
New approaches and methods to real-world problems, and in particular, exploratory research that describes novel approaches in the field of Software Engineering
Fifty years ago, few people could have imagined the world we are living in today. Advances in mobile and embedded computing and the explosive growth of cloud computing and machine learning techniques are driving a revolutionary change in the way people communicate, interact, and work with each other and how companies do business.
The combination of mobile, cloud computing and, more recently, edge computing and also the availability of machine learning techniques not only fosters a new generation of mobile applications, but also brings along new research opportunities. At SEISLab, our research primarily focuses on exploring the new possibilities brought forth by these technologies and broadening the applications of mobile platforms. From a Software Engineering perspective, our special interest is focused on providing best practice guidelines for software development in this field.
Our research is focused on understanding the requirements, design, building, and applicability of new software architectures and cloud services for a mobile and intelligent environment. The goal is for the results serve as guidelines for designing and building software solutions for this domain-specific application scenario. This will allow developers, students, or researchers of this type of solution to generate better systems involving less effort and fewer risks. These results will not only benefit the academic community, but also, indirectly, the software industry and other areas of our society.
We are leading undergraduate and graduate students in developing software solutions for mobile and intelligent environments. We have published the results of our work in important journals and conference proceedings and we have also built proof-of-concept and experimental systems that implement many of those ideas.
About us ...
We've got a top notch team!
Jaime Navón
Associate Professor
Web Application Development (Process and Architecture), Cloud based Mobile Apps, Microservices Architecture, Blockchain, Bitcoin
Yadran Eterovic
Associate Professor
Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interfaces, Collaborative Systems,
Andrés Neyem
Associate Professor
Software Engineering, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Engineering and Medical Education, Computer Supported Collaborative Work
José Ignacio Bendetto
Assistant Professor
Software Engineering, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems, Engineering Education
Adjunct Professors
Raul Montes
Web Application Development
Gabriel Vidal
Software Engineering, Web Application Development
Rodrigo Saffie
Software Detailed Design, Testing.
Hans Findel
Web Application Development, Software Architecture
What we do ...
Mobile and Cloud Computing
MobiCOP is a new automatic task migration framework developed for the Android operating system that enables clients to automatically migrate selected computation-intensive tasks towards any backend server. This allows mobile devices to harness the computation capabilities of server clusters for increased performance and battery efficiency. MobiCOP is fully self-contained in a library, therefore, developers may enjoy its full benefits with minimal configuration required and without the need to write a single line of server code.
Empirical Software Engineering
Zmartboard is a new project tracking software suite built by students and academics of SEISLab that enables project managers, from both the industry and academia, to keep track of the progress of any endeavor throughout its entire lifecycle. Zmartboard’s insight features allow managers to track individual contributions from all team members, analyze key metrics through business intelligence charts, and review lessons learned during the course of the project. Zmartboard is currently available as both a web and Android application.
Applications in Construction and Building
Through its immersive experience branch, EVI-Lab, SEISLab is currently leading innovative efforts in the development of augmented and mixed reality experiences to aid architects and engineers to visualize in real-time planned features in an ongoing construction. By overlapping virtual meshes with real structures, clients may leap through to time to preview how their work will materialize upon completion.
Applications for
Enhancing Energy GenerationInti-TECH
Chile has one of the greatest potentials in the solar industry in the region. However, to fully harness the power of the sun one must deal with the natural obstructions that accumulate over panels through time. In collaboration with INTI-TECH, SEISLab is currently researching means to automate solar panel maintenance through networks of robots spread across the vast surfaces occupied by modern solar power plants, all the while minimizing human intervention.
Together, we can build the next step in computing and technology.
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